methods for mixed-effect models of class "merMod"
, fit
by the lmer()
and glmer()
in the lme4 package; for models of class "lme"
fit by the lme()
function in the nlme
package; and for models of class "glmmTMB"
fit by the
function in the glmmTMB package.
# S3 method for class 'merMod'
data = insight::get_data(model),
criterion = mse,
k = NULL,
reps = 1L,
details = NULL,
ncores = 1L,
# S3 method for class 'lme'
data = insight::get_data(model),
criterion = mse,
k = NULL,
reps = 1L,
details = NULL,
ncores = 1L,
# S3 method for class 'glmmTMB'
data = insight::get_data(model),
criterion = mse,
k = NULL,
reps = 1L,
details = NULL,
ncores = 1L,
- model
a mixed-effects model object for which a
method is available.- data
data frame to which the model was fit (not usually necessary).
- criterion
cross-validation ("cost" or lack-of-fit) criterion function of form
f(y, yhat)
is the observed values of the response andyhat
the predicted values; the default ismse
(the mean-squared error).- k
perform k-fold cross-validation;
may be a number or"loo"
for n-fold (leave-one-out) cross-validation; the default is10
if cross-validating individual cases and"loo"
if cross-validating clusters.- reps
number of times to replicate k-fold CV (default is
), or greater), compute a confidence interval for the bias-corrected CV criterion, if the criterion is the average of casewise components.- seed
for R's random number generator; optional, if not supplied a random seed will be selected and saved; not needed for n-fold cross-validation.
- details
(the default if the number of foldsk <= 10
), save detailed information about the value of the CV criterion for the cases in each fold and the regression coefficients with that fold deleted.- ncores
number of cores to use for parallel computations (default is
, i.e., computations aren't done in parallel).- clusterVariables
a character vector of names of the variables defining clusters for a mixed model with nested or crossed random effects; if missing, cross-validation is performed for individual cases rather than for clusters.
- ...
methods, to match generic, and forcvMixed()
, arguments to be passed toupdate()
The methods cv.merMod()
, cv.lme()
, and cv.glmmTMB()
return objects of class "cv"
, or,
if reps > 1
, of class "cvList"
(see cv()
For mixed-effects models, cross-validation can be done by "clusters" or by individual observations. If the former, predictions are based only on fixed effects; if the latter, predictions include the random effects (i.e., are the best linear unbiased predictors or "BLUPS").
# from ?lmer:
(fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject), sleepstudy))
#> Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
#> Formula: Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject)
#> Data: sleepstudy
#> REML criterion at convergence: 1743.628
#> Random effects:
#> Groups Name Std.Dev. Corr
#> Subject (Intercept) 24.741
#> Days 5.922 0.07
#> Residual 25.592
#> Number of obs: 180, groups: Subject, 18
#> Fixed Effects:
#> (Intercept) Days
#> 251.41 10.47
summary(cv(fm1, clusterVariables="Subject")) # LOO CV of clusters
#> n-Fold Cross Validation based on 18 {Subject} clusters
#> criterion: mse
#> cross-validation criterion = 2460.604
#> bias-adjusted cross-validation criterion = 2454.627
#> full-sample criterion = 2251.398
summary(cv(fm1, seed=447)) # 10-fold CV of cases
#> R RNG seed set to 447
#> 10-Fold Cross Validation
#> criterion: mse
#> cross-validation criterion = 869.533
#> bias-adjusted cross-validation criterion = 847.5586
#> full-sample criterion = 549.342
summary(cv(fm1, clusterVariables="Subject", k=5,
seed=834, reps=3)) # 5-fold CV of clusters, repeated 3 times
#> R RNG seed set to 834
#> R RNG seed set to 448690
#> R RNG seed set to 916534
#> Replicate 1:
#> 5-Fold Cross Validation based on 18 {Subject} clusters
#> criterion: mse
#> cross-validation criterion = 2458.192
#> bias-adjusted cross-validation criterion = 2434.117
#> full-sample criterion = 2251.398
#> Replicate 2:
#> 5-Fold Cross Validation based on 18 {Subject} clusters
#> criterion: mse
#> cross-validation criterion = 2511.651
#> bias-adjusted cross-validation criterion = 2479.989
#> full-sample criterion = 2251.398
#> Replicate 3:
#> 5-Fold Cross Validation based on 18 {Subject} clusters
#> criterion: mse
#> cross-validation criterion = 2403.755
#> bias-adjusted cross-validation criterion = 2387.049
#> full-sample criterion = 2251.398
#> Average:
#> 5-Fold Cross Validation based on 18 {Subject} clusters
#> criterion: mse
#> cross-validation criterion = 2457.947 (44.04918)
#> bias-adjusted cross-validation criterion = 2433.818 (37.94423)
#> full-sample criterion = 2251.398
#> Attaching package: ‘nlme’
#> The following object is masked from ‘package:lme4’:
#> lmList
# from ?lme
(fm2 <- lme(distance ~ age + Sex, data = Orthodont,
random = ~ 1))
#> Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML
#> Data: Orthodont
#> Log-restricted-likelihood: -218.7563
#> Fixed: distance ~ age + Sex
#> (Intercept) age SexFemale
#> 17.7067130 0.6601852 -2.3210227
#> Random effects:
#> Formula: ~1 | Subject
#> (Intercept) Residual
#> StdDev: 1.807425 1.431592
#> Number of Observations: 108
#> Number of Groups: 27
summary(cv(fm2)) # LOO CV of cases
#> R RNG seed set to 765199
#> 10-Fold Cross Validation
#> criterion: mse
#> cross-validation criterion = 2.666103
#> bias-adjusted cross-validation criterion = 2.589541
#> full-sample criterion = 1.582435
summary(cv(fm2, clusterVariables="Subject",
k=5, seed=321)) # 5-fold CV of clusters
#> R RNG seed set to 321
#> 5-Fold Cross Validation based on 27 {Subject} clusters
#> criterion: mse
#> cross-validation criterion = 5.875411
#> bias-adjusted cross-validation criterion = 5.780695
#> full-sample criterion = 5.017326
# from ?glmmTMB
(m1 <- glmmTMB(count ~ mined + (1|site),
family=poisson, data=Salamanders))
#> Formula: count ~ mined + (1 | site)
#> Zero inflation: ~mined
#> Data: Salamanders
#> AIC BIC logLik df.resid
#> 1908.4695 1930.8080 -949.2348 639
#> Random-effects (co)variances:
#> Conditional model:
#> Groups Name Std.Dev.
#> site (Intercept) 0.28
#> Number of obs: 644 / Conditional model: site, 23
#> Fixed Effects:
#> Conditional model:
#> (Intercept) minedno
#> 0.0879 1.1419
#> Zero-inflation model:
#> (Intercept) minedno
#> 1.139 -1.736
summary(cv(m1, seed=97816, k=5,
clusterVariables="site")) # 5-fold CV of clusters
#> R RNG seed set to 97816
#> 5-Fold Cross Validation based on 23 {site} clusters
#> criterion: mse
#> cross-validation criterion = 6.006117
#> bias-adjusted cross-validation criterion = 6.002191
#> 95% CI for bias-adjusted CV criterion = (2.385452, 9.61893)
#> full-sample criterion = 5.970489
summary(cv(m1, seed=34506, k=5)) # 5-fold CV of cases
#> R RNG seed set to 34506
#> 5-Fold Cross Validation
#> criterion: mse
#> cross-validation criterion = 6.058988
#> bias-adjusted cross-validation criterion = 6.032337
#> 95% CI for bias-adjusted CV criterion = (2.483579, 9.581094)
#> full-sample criterion = 5.79783